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Buy A Franchise in Novi, Michigan (7)

Novi, Michigan is a great place to start your own franchise business. With a population of nearly 54,000, you'll find plenty of customers for your new franchise business. We currently show 7 franchises that you can get started with today in Novi. Fill out the form at the bottom of this page if you'd like to get a personalized list of Novi franchises that meets your specific budget and goals.

Here are some franchises that you can start in Novi, MI. You can use the search bar above to find many more or click here to get a personalized list of franchises that fit your lifestyle & budget.

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Jan-Pro International Req. Investment: $200,000
JAN-PRO Franchising International, Inc. is a subsidiary of Premium Franchise Brands, LLC...
Shack Shine Req. Investment: $70,350
When you think of having your windows or gutters cleaned, or your Christmas lights...
Poke Burri Req. Investment: $50,000
Poke Burri is a Georgia-based restaurant company that provides a healthy and delicious...
Groutsmith Req. Investment: $40,000
The Groutsmith could easily be described at the perfect business model! A home based...
Shapes Fitness for Women Req. Investment: $182,000
Founded in 1990, Shapes Fitness for Women is an exclusive fitness club for women only that...
The Grounds Guys Req. Investment: $40,000
The Grounds Guys was just ranked #91 of the best franchises in 2017 by Entrepreneur...
Row House Req. Investment: $100,000
Row House is revolutionizing the rowing exercise segment! Recognized by serious athletes...

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