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Buy A Franchise in Keizer, Oregon (20)

Keizer, Oregon is a great place to start your own franchise business. With a population of nearly 36,000, you'll find plenty of customers for your new franchise business. We currently show 20 franchises that you can get started with today in Keizer. Fill out the form at the bottom of this page if you'd like to get a personalized list of Keizer franchises that meets your specific budget and goals.

Here are some franchises that you can start in Keizer, OR. You can use the search bar above to find many more or click here to get a personalized list of franchises that fit your lifestyle & budget.

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Screenmobile Req. Investment: $83,760
For over 35 years, Screenmobile has been the nation's largest mobile screening...
Hand & Stone Massage & Facial Spa Req. Investment: $500,000
Hand and Stone is Expanding Nationwide With Locations already in AZ, CO, CT, FL, CA, MI,...
Anago Cleaning Systems Master Franchise Req. Investment: $197,000
Anago Cleaning Systems is a Master Franchise Opportunity for only $89,000 (Franchise...
IM=X Pilates & Fitness Req. Investment: $122,000
IM=X (pronounced IMX) stands for Integrated Movement Xercize. It’s an elite fitness...
CarePatrol Req. Investment: $64,649
South Beach Tanning Company Req. Investment: $500,000
Founded in 2003 and inspired by the art deco look of South Beach Miami our large...
Elements Therapeutic Massage Req. Investment: $192,150
Elements provides a variety of massage therapy modalities to our clients who are...
Kidcreate Studio Req. Investment: $96,800
Kidcreate Studio introduces kids to the wonderful world of art! It is a retail and...
Groutsmith Req. Investment: $40,000
The Groutsmith could easily be described at the perfect business model! A home based...
Greenbelly Req. Investment: $262,500
Greenbelly is a fast-casual, eco-friendly establishment that serves environmentally fine...
SHARKEY’S CUTS FOR KIDS is a proven business to turn your dreams into reality! Our...
Mr. Rooter Req. Investment: $150,000
Supporting Strategies Req. Investment: $100,000
Supporting Strategies is pleased to offer bookkeeping franchise opportunities. This is...
Roosters Mens Grooming Centers Req. Investment: $181,250
Roosters MGC is a leader in the emerging male segment of the $65 Billion hair care...
ComForcare Senior Services Req. Investment: $86,950
ComForcare Home Care franchise members provide non-medical and skilled nursing home care...
Legendary Restaurant Brands owns the iconic Bennigan’s and Steak and Ale brands – the...
Signarama Req. Investment: $180,000
As companies compete more and more for consumers' attention, brand recognition and local...
Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control Req. Investment: $69,200
We are a unique, one-of-a-kind, humane wildlife control franchise. Our franchisees remove...
Frenchies Req. Investment: $338,400
Frenchies Modern Nail Care is the newest, most exciting nail studio franchise in the...
NorthStar Moving Req. Investment: $150,000
Founded in 1994, Los Angeles-based NorthStar Moving® Company has redefined the moving...

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